This function computes the Black-Litterman formula for the moments of the posterior normal, as described in A. Meucci, "Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005.
BlackLittermanFormula(Mu, Sigma, P, v, Omega)
BLMu [vector] (N x 1) posterior expected values.
BLSigma [matrix] (N x N) posterior covariance matrix.
[vector] (N x 1) prior expected values.
[matrix] (N x N) prior covariance matrix.
[matrix] (K x N) pick matrix.
[vector] (K x 1) vector of views.
[matrix] (K x K) matrix of confidence.
Xavier Valls
A. Meucci - "Exercises in Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management"
See Meucci's script for "BlackLittermanFormula.m"