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Power2Stage (version 0.5-4)

power.tsd.p: Power calculation of adaptive 2-stage BE studies in 2-group parallel designs


This functions calculate the ‘empirical’ power of 2-stage BE studies with 2 parallel groups according to Fuglsang 2014 via simulations. The Potvin decision schemes are modified to include a futility criterion Nmax, a minimum number of subjects to be included in stage 2 and to allow the sample size estimation step to be done with point estimate and variabilities from (fully adaptive). Function power.tsd.pAF() performes exactly as described in Fuglsang<U+2019>s paper, namely the power monitoring steps and the sample size estimation are based always on the pooled t-test. Function power.tsd.p() with argument test="welch" on the other hand uses the genuine power of Welch<U+2019>s test. Moreover it accepts unequal treatment groups in .


power.tsd.p(method = c("B", "C"), alpha0 = 0.05, alpha = c(0.0294, 0.0294),
            n1, GMR, CV, targetpower = 0.8, pmethod = c("nct", "exact", "shifted"),
            usePE = FALSE, Nmax = Inf, min.n2=0, test = c("welch", "t-test", "anova"),
            theta0, theta1, theta2, npct = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), nsims,
            setseed = TRUE, details = FALSE)

power.tsd.pAF(method = c("B", "C"), alpha0 = 0.05, alpha = c(0.0294, 0.0294), n1, GMR, CV, targetpower = 0.8, pmethod = c("shifted", "nct", "exact"), usePE = FALSE, Nmax = Inf, test = c("welch", "t-test", "anova"), theta0, theta1, theta2, npct = c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), nsims, setseed = TRUE, details = FALSE)



Decision schemes according to Potvin et.al. (defaults to "B"). Potvin<U+2019>s ‘method D’ can be obtained by choosing "C" but setting alpha=c(0.028, 0.028).


Alpha value for the first step(s) in Potvin "C", the power inspection and BE decision if power > targetpower. Defaults to 0.05.


Vector (two elements) of the nominal alphas for the two stages. Defaults to Pocock<U+2019>s alpha setting alpha=c(0.0294, 0.0294).


Sample size of . Function power.tsd.p() accepts also a vector of sample sizes with two elements, where the number of subjects in the in treatment group T should be given in the first element and the number of subjects in the treatment group R in the second. If given with one element, the total n1 should be even.


Ratio T/R to be used in decision scheme (power calculations in and sample size estimation for ).


Coefficient of variation of the total variability (use e.g., 0.3 for 30%) Can be a vector with two elements. In that case CV[1] is for the group under the Test treatment and CV[2] for the group under the Reference.


Power threshold in the power monitoring steps and power to achieve in the sample size estimation step.


Power calculation method, also to be used in the sample size estimation for . Implemented are "nct" (approximate calculations via non-central t-distribution, "exact" (exact calculations via Owen<U+2019>s Q), and "shifted" (approximate calculation via shifted central t-distribution Defaults to "nct" for speed reasons in function power.tsd.p() as a reasonable compromise between speed and accuracy in the sample size estimation step. Defaults to "shifted" in function power.tsd.pAF() for consistancy with Fuglsang.


If TRUE the sample size estimation step is done with MSE and PE of . Defaults to FALSE i.e., the sample size is estimated with GMR and MSE (calculated from CV) of analogous to Potvin et. al. NB: The power inspection steps in the Potvin methods are always done with the GMR argument and MSE (CV) of .


Futility criterion. If set to a finite value, all studies simulated in which a sample size >Nmax is obtained will be regarded as BE=FAIL. Set this argument to Inf, the default, to work without that futility criterion.


Minimum sample size of . If the sample size estimation step gives N < n1+min.n2 the sample size for will be forced to min.n2, i.e. the total sample size to n1+min.n2. Defaults to zero, i.e., no minimum sample size for is applied.


Test on which the CI calculations are based on. Defaults to "welch" = Welch<U+2019>s t-test accounting for heteroscedasticity in the variabilities of Test and Reference, but neglecting stage effects. "anova" calculates the confidence interval based on an ANOVA with treatment and stage in the model. "t-test" calculates the confidence interval based on the t-test assuming equal variabilities of Test and Reference and neglecting stage effects.


Assumed ratio of geometric means (T/R) for simulations. If missing, defaults to GMR.


Lower bioequivalence limit. Defaults to 0.8.


Upper bioequivalence limit. Defaults to 1.25.


Percentiles to be used for the presentation of the distribution of n(total)=n1+n2. Defaults to c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95) to obtain the 5% and 95% percentiles and the median.


Number of studies to simulate. If missing, nsims is set to 1E+05 = 100,000 or to 1E+06 = 1 Mio if estimating the empiric Type I Error ('alpha'), i.e., with theta0 at the border or outside the acceptance range theta1theta2.


Simulations are dependent on the starting point of the (pseudo) random number generator. To avoid differences in power for different runs a set.seed(1234567) is issued if setseed=TRUE, the default. Set this argument to FALSE to view the variation in power between different runs.


If set to TRUE the function prints the results of time measurements of the simulation steps. Defaults to FALSE.


Returns an object of class "pwrtsd" with all the input arguments and results as components. The class "pwrtsd" has an S3 print method. The results are in the components:


Fraction of studies found BE.


Fraction of studies found BE in .


Percentage of studies continuing to .


Mean of n(total).


Range (min, max) of n(total).


Percentiles of the distribution of n(total).


Object of class "table" summarizing the discrete distribution of n(total) via its distinct values and counts of occurences of these values. This component is only given back if usePE==FALSE or otherwise if is.finite(Nmax), i.e., a futility criterion is used.


The calculations follow in principle the simulations as described by Fuglsang. The underlying subject data are assumed to be evaluated after log-transformation. But instead of simulating subject data the statistics (mean and variance of Test and Reference of and ) are simulated via their associated distributions (normal and ).


Fuglsang A. Sequential Bioequivalence Approaches for Parallel Design. AAPS J. 2014; 16(3):373--8. 10.1208/s12248-014-9571-1

Potvin D, DiLiberti CE, Hauck WW, Parr AF, Schuirmann DJ, Smith RA. Sequential design approaches for bioequivalence studies with crossover designs. Pharm Stat. 2008; 7(4):245--62. 10.1002/pst.294

See Also

power.2stage for analogous calculations for the 2<U+00D7>2 crossover.


Run this code
# using all the defaults
power.tsd.p(n1=48, CV=0.25)
# }

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