PowerUpR (version 1.0.1)

PowerUpR-deprecated: Deprecated and Defunct functions in PowerUpR


Constrained optimal sample allocation functions are removed from PowerUpR package, see cosa package.



Deprecated or defunct functions are no longer documented.


Deprecated and defunct functions and their replacement are as follows:

  • optimal.ira1r1 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.cra2r2 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.cra3r3 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.cra4r4 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bcra3f2 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bcra3r2 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bcra4r2 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bcra4f3 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bcra4r2 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bira4r1 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bira3r1 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bira2c1 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bira2f1 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.bira2r1 is defunct, see cosa package

  • optimal.to.mdes is defunct, there is no replacement function

  • optimal.to.power is defunct, there is no replacement function

  • mdes.med211 is defunct, there is no replacement function

  • mdes.med221 is defunct, there is no replacement function

  • opt.mdes.med is defunct, there is no replacement function