## Finam data storage
settings = list(
# set storage path, it is perfect to use Solid State Drive for data storage
# it is no problem to move storage folder just don't forget to set new path in settings
finam_storage = paste( path.expand('~') , 'Market Data', 'finam', sep = '/' ),
# add some symbols
finam_symbols = c( 'GAZP', 'SBER' ),
# and set storage start date
finam_storage_from = '2016-09-01'
QuantTools_settings( settings )
# now it is time to add some data into storage. You have three options here:
# 1 update storage with data from last date available until today
# it is very convenient to create a script with this function and
# run it every time you need to update your storage
# 2 update storage with data from last date available until specified date
store_finam_data( to = '2016-09-28' )
# 3 update storage with data between from and to dates,
# if data already present it will be overwritten
store_finam_data( from = '2016-01-01', to = '2016-01-10' )
# set local = TRUE to load from just created local market data storage
get_finam_data( 'GAZP', '2016-09-01', '2016-09-28', 'tick', local = T )
## IQFeed data storage
settings = list(
# set storage path, it is perfect to use Solid State Drive for data storage
# it is no problem to move storage folder just don't forget to set new path in settings
iqfeed_storage = paste( path.expand('~') , 'Market Data', 'iqfeed', sep = '/' ),
# add some symbols
iqfeed_symbols = c( 'AAPL', '@ES#' ),
# and set storage start date
iqfeed_storage_from = format( Sys.Date() - 3 )
QuantTools_settings( settings )
# now it is time to add some data into storage. You have three options here:
# 1 update storage with data from last date available until today
# it is very convenient to create a script with this function and
# run it every time you need to update your storage
# 2 update storage with data from last date available until specified date
store_iqfeed_data( to = format( Sys.Date() ) )
# 3 update storage with data between from and to dates,
# if data already present it will be overwritten
store_iqfeed_data( from = format( Sys.Date() - 3 ), to = format( Sys.Date() ) )
# set local = TRUE to load from just created local market data storage
get_iqfeed_data( 'AAPL', format( Sys.Date() - 3 ), format( Sys.Date() ), 'tick', local = T )
## MOEX data storage
settings = list(
# set MOEX data url
moex_data_url = 'url/to/moex/data',
# set storage path, it is perfect to use Solid State Drive for data storage
# it is no problem to move storage folder just don't forget to set new path in settings
moex_storage = paste( path.expand('~') , 'Market Data', 'moex', sep = '/' ),
# and set storage start date
moex_storage_from = '2003-01-01'
QuantTools_settings( settings )
# now it is time to add some data into storage. You have three options here:
# 1 update storage with data from last date available until today
# it is very convenient to create a script with this function and
# run it every time you need to update your storage
# 2 update storage with data from last date available until specified date
store_moex_data( to = format( Sys.Date() ) )
# 3 update storage with data between from and to dates,
# if data already present it will be overwritten
store_moex_data( from = format( Sys.Date() - 3 ), to = format( Sys.Date() ) )
# set local = TRUE to load from just created local market data storage
get_moex_futures_data( 'RIH9', '2009-01-01', '2009-02-01', 'tick', local = T )
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab