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R.rsp (version 0.42.0)

RspIncludeDirective: The RspIncludeDirective class


Package: R.rsp Class RspIncludeDirective

character ~~| ~~+--RspObject ~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~+--RspConstruct ~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~~~~~~+--RspDirective ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+--RspIncludeDirective

Directly known subclasses:

public class RspIncludeDirective extends RspDirective

An RspIncludeDirective is an RspDirective that causes the RSP parser to include (and parse) an external RSP file.


RspIncludeDirective(value="include", ...)



A character string.


A named list, which must contain either a 'file' or a 'text' element.


Optional arguments passed to the constructor of RspDirective.

Fields and Methods


getContent Gets the content of the RSP include directive.
getFile Gets the file attribute.
getVerbatim Checks if verbatim include should be used or not.
getWrap Get the wrap length.

Methods inherited from RspDirective: asRspString, getNameContentDefaultAttributes, requireAttributes

Methods inherited from RspConstruct: asRspString, getComment, getInclude, getSuffixSpecs

Methods inherited from RspObject: print

Methods inherited from character: all.equal, as.Date, as.POSIXlt, as.data.frame, as.raster, formula, getDLLRegisteredRoutines, isOpen, toLatex, uses