pathname <- tempfile()
# Open the temporary file for writing
out <- file(pathname, open="wb")
b <- -128:127
Java$writeByte(out, b)
s <- -32768:32767
Java$writeShort(out, s)
i <- c(-2147483648, -2147483647, -1, 0, +1, 2147483646, 2147483647);
Java$writeInt(out, i)
str <- "This R string was written (using the UTF-8 format) using
the static methods of the Java class in the package."
Java$writeUTF(out, str)
# Open the temporary file for reading
inn <- file(pathname, open="rb")
bfr <- Java$readByte(inn, n=length(b))
cat("Read ", length(bfr), "bytes.
", sep="")
if (!identical(bfr, b))
throw("Failed to read the same data that was written.")
bfr <- Java$readShort(inn, n=length(s))
cat("Read ", length(bfr), "shorts.
", sep="")
if (!identical(bfr, s))
throw("Failed to read the same data that was written.")
bfr <- Java$readInt(inn, n=length(i))
cat("Read ", length(bfr), "ints.
", sep="")
if (!identical(bfr, i))
throw("Failed to read the same data that was written.")
bfr <- Java$readUTF(inn)
cat("Read ", nchar(bfr), "UTF characters:
", "'", bfr, "'
", sep="")
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