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R.utils (version 2.0.2)

Arguments$getReadablePathname: Gets a readable pathname


Gets a readable pathname.


## Static method (use this):
## Arguments$getReadablePathname(file=NULL, path=NULL, mustExist=TRUE,
##   absolutePath=FALSE, adjust=c("none", "url"), ...)

## Don't use the below: ## S3 method for class 'Arguments': getReadablePathname(static, file=NULL, path=NULL, mustExist=TRUE, absolutePath=FALSE, adjust=c("none", "url"), ...)


A character string specifying the file.
A character string specifying the path.
If TRUE, the pathname must exists and be readable, otherwise an exception is thrown. If FALSE, no such test is performed.
If TRUE, the absolute pathname is returned.
Not used.


  • Returns a character string of the absolute pathname of the file.

Missing values

If file or path is NA and mustExist is FALSE, then (character) NA is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.


If a too long pathname is detected on Windows, an informative warning is given. The maximum number of symbols in a Windows pathname is 256, including file separators '/' or '', but excluding the drive letter, and initial file separator (e.g. 'C:/'), and the string terminator ('\0'), cf. 'MSDN - Naming a File or Directory', Microsoft. In R, the limit is one symbol less, i.e. 255.

See Also

*getWritablePathname() filePath. For more information see Arguments.