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R.utils (version 2.0.2)

cmdArgs: Simple access to parsed command-line arguments


Simple access to parsed command-line arguments.


cmdArgs(args=NULL, names=NULL, unique=TRUE, ..., .args=NULL)


A named list of arguments.
A character vector specifying the arguments to be returned. If NULL, all arguments are return
If TRUE, only unique arguments are returned.
For cmdArgs(), additional arguments passed to commandArgs(), e.g. defaults and always. For cmdArg(), named arguments name and
(advanced/internal) A named list of parsed command-line arguments.


  • cmdArgs() returns a named list with command-line arguments. cmdArg() return the value of the requested command-line argument.

Coercing to non-character data types

The value of each command-line argument is returned as a character string, unless an argument share name with ditto in the (optional) arguments always and default in case the retrieved value is coerced to that of the latter. Finally, remaining character string command-line arguments are coerced to numerics (via as.numeric()), if possible, that is unless the coerced value becomes NA.

See Also

Internally, commandArgs() is used.


Run this code
args <- cmdArgs()
cat("User command-line arguments used when invoking R:

# Retrieve command line argument 'n', e.g. '-n 13' or '--n=13'
n <- cmdArg("n", 42L)
printf("Argument n=%d
", n)

# Short version doing the same
n <- cmdArg(n=42L)
printf("Argument n=%d
", n)

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