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R.utils (version 2.13.0)

doCall: Executes a function call with option to ignore unused arguments


Executes a function call with option to ignore unused arguments.


# S3 method for default
doCall(.fcn, ..., args=NULL, alwaysArgs=NULL, .functions=list(.fcn),
  .ignoreUnusedArgs=TRUE, envir=parent.frame())



A function or a character string specifying the name of a function to be called.


Named arguments to be passed to the function.


A list of additional named arguments that will be appended to the above arguments.


A list of additional named arguments that will be appended to the above arguments and that will never be ignore.


A list of function:s or names of functions. This can be used to control which arguments are passed.


If TRUE, arguments that are not accepted by the function, will not be passed to it. Otherwise, all arguments are passed.


An environment in which to evaluate the call.


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also


Run this code
  doCall("plot", x=1:10, y=sin(1:10), col="red", dummyArg=54,
         alwaysArgs=list(xlab="x", ylab="y"),
         .functions=c("plot", "plot.xy"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab