Function converting results from Markov chain simulations,
that might not be from BUGS, to bugs object. Used mainly to display
results with plot.bugs
as.bugs.array(sims.array, model.file=NULL, program=NULL,
DIC=FALSE, DICOutput=NULL, n.iter=NULL, n.burnin=0, n.thin=1)
A bugs
object is returned
3-way array of simulation output, with dimensions n.keep, n.chains, and length of combined parameter vector.
file containing the model written in WinBUGS code
the program used
logical; whether DIC should be calculated, see also
argument DICOutput
and details
DIC value
number of total iterations per chain used for generating
length of burn in, i.e. number of iterations to
discarded at the beginning for generating sims.array
thinning rate, a positive integer, used for generating
Jouni Kerman, with modification by Andrew Gelman,, packaged by Uwe Ligges,
This function takes a 3-way array of simulations and makes it into a
object that can be conveniently displayed using
and plot
and accessed using attach.bugs
. If
the third dimension of sims() has names, the resulting bugs object will
respect that naming convention. For example, if the parameter names are
“alpha[1]”, “alpha[2]”, ..., “alpha[8]”,
“mu”, “tau”, then as.bugs.array
will know that
alpha is a vector of length 8, and mu and tau are scalar parameters.
These will all be plotted appropriately by plot
and attached
appropriately by attach.bugs
then DIC can be either already passed to argument
as it is done in openbugs
or calculated
from deviance values in sims.array