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R4RNA (version 1.0.0)

Covariation Plots: Plot nucleotide sequence coloured by covariance


Given a multiple sequence alignment and a corresponding secondary structure, nucleotides in the sequence alignment will be coloured according to the basepairing and conservation status, where green is the most commonly observed valid basepair in the column, dark blue being valid covariation (i.e. mutation into another valid basepair), cyan is one-sided mutation that retains the basepair, and red is a mutation where the basepair has been lost.


plotCovariance(msa, helix, arcs = TRUE, add = FALSE, grid = FALSE, text = FALSE, legend = TRUE, species = 0, base.colour = FALSE, palette = NA, flip = FALSE, grid.col = "white", grid.lwd = 0, text.cex = 0.5, text.col = "white", text.font = 2, text.family = "sans", species.cex = 0.5, species.col = "black", species.font = 2, species.family = "mono", shape = "circle", conflict.cutoff = 0.01, conflict.lty = 2, conflict.col = NA, pad = c(0, 0, 0, 0), y = 0, x = 0, ...) plotDoubleCovariance(top.helix, bot.helix, top.msa, bot.msa = top.msa, add = FALSE, grid = FALSE, species = 0, legend = TRUE, pad = c(0, 0, 0, 0), ...) plotOverlapCovariance(predict.helix, known.helix, msa, bot.msa = TRUE, overlap.cutoff = 1, miss = "black", add = FALSE, grid = FALSE, species = 0, legend = TRUE, pad = c(0, 0, 0, 0), ...)


msa, top.msa, bot.msa
A multiple sequence alignment. Can be either a Biostrings XStringSet object or a named array of strings like ones obtained from converting XStringSet with as.character.

top.msa and bot.msa are specific to top.helix and bot.helix respectively, and may be set to NA to have no multiple sequence alignment at all.

helix, top.helix, bot.helix, predict.helix, known.helix
A helix data.frame with a structure corresponding to msa,

See plotDoubleHelix and plotOverlapHelix for detailed explanations of top.helix, bot.helix, predict.helix, and known.helix.

TRUE if the structure should be plotted as arcs. Arcs may be styled with styling columns, see example and plotHelix for details.
TRUE if graphical elements are to be added to an existing device, else a new plotting device is created with blankPlot.
TRUE if the multiple sequence alignment is to be drawn as a grid of bases, else the multiple sequence alignment is drawn as equidistant horizontal lines.
Only applicable when grid is TRUE. TRUE if the grid is to be filled with nucleotide character.
TRUE if legend are to be shown.
If a number greater than 0 is given, then species names for the multiple sequence alignment will be printed along the left side. This name is typically the entire header lines of FASTA entries. The number specifies the start position relative to the left edge of the multiple sequence alignment).
TRUE if bases are to be coloured by nucleotide instead of basepair conservation.
A list of colour names to override the default colour palette. When base.colour is TRUE, the first 6 colours will be used for colouring bases A, U, G, C, - (gap), and ? (everything else), respectively. When base.colour is FALSE, the first 7 colours will be used for colouring conserved basepairs, covarying basepairs, one-sided conserved basepairs, invalid basepairs, unpaired bases, gaps, and bases/pairs with ambiguous bases, resepctively. If the palette is shorter than the expected length, the palette will simply cycle. “NA” is a valid colour, that will effectively plot nothing.
If TRUE, the entire plot will be flipped upside down. Note that this is not a perfect mirror image about the horizon.
grid.col, grid.lwd
The colour and line width of the borders displayed when grid is TRUE.
text.cex, text.col, text.font, text.family
cex, col, family and font for the text displayed via the text option. Use help("par") for more information the paramters.
species.cex, species.col, species.font, species.family
cex, col, family and font for the species text displayed via the species option. Use help("par") for more information the paramters.
One of "circle", "triangle", or "square", specifying the shape of the arcs.
conflict.lty, conflict.col, conflict.cutoff
Determines the line type (style) and colour to be used for conflicting basepairs. By default, conflicting helices are drawn as dotted lines (lty = 2) and whatever colour was originally assigned to it (col = NA). Conflicting helices may be coloured by setting conflict.col to some R-compatible colour name. If both arguments are set to NA, then no attempt to exclude conflicting helices will be made when colouring covariance plot columns, which in most cases will render the plot nonsensical. When the input has helices with multiple basepairs, and only part of the helix is conflicting, the conflict.cutoff determines above what percentage of basepairs have to be conflicting before a helix is considered conflicting, with the default set at 1 conflicting).
The colour for unpredicted arcs in overlapping diagrams, see plotOverlapHelix for more information.
Decimal between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage of basepairs within a helix that have to be overlapping for the entire helix to count as overlapping. Default is 1, or 100
A four integer array passed to blankPlot, specifies the number of pixels to pad the bottom, left, top and right sides of the figure with, repsectively.
x, y
Coordinates for the left bottom corner of the plot. Useful for manually positioning and overlapping figure elements.
In plotCovariance, these are additional arguments passed to blankPlot, useful arguments include ‘lwd’, ‘col’, ‘cex’ for line width, line colour, and text size, respectively. help('par') for more.

For plotDoubleCovariance and plotOverlapCovariance, these are additional arguments passed to plotCovariance (and thus indirectly also to blankPlot).


Not intended to return a value, will plot to GUI or file if specific.

See Also








Run this code

    # Basic covariance plot
    plotCovariance(fasta, known, cex = 0.8, lwd = 1.5)

    # Grid mode
    plotCovariance(fasta, known, grid = TRUE, text = FALSE, cex = 0.8)

    # Global style and nucleotide colouring
    plotCovariance(fasta, known, grid = TRUE, text = FALSE, base.colour = TRUE)

    # Styling indivual helices with styling columns
    known$col <- c("red", "blue")
    plotCovariance(fasta, known, lwd = 2, cex = 0.8)

    # Use in combination with colourBy functions
    cov <- colourByCovariation(known, fasta, get = TRUE)
    plotCovariance(fasta, cov)
    legend("topleft", legend = attr(cov, "legend"),
        fill = attr(cov, "fill"), title = "Covariation")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab