an instance of the graph class with edgemode
A list of
the number of edges to be severed to obtain the minimum cut
the smaller subset of vertices in the minimum cut
the other subset of vertices in the minimum cut
Given an undirected graph G=(V, E) of a single connected component, a cut is
a partition of the set of vertices into two non-empty subsets S and V-S, a
cost is the number of edges that are incident on one vertex in S and one
vertex in V-S. The min-cut problem is to find a cut (S, V-S) of minimum cost.
For simplicity, the returned subset S is the smaller of the two subsets.
The Boost Graph Library: User Guide and Reference Manual;
by Jeremy G. Siek, Lie-Quan Lee, and Andrew Lumsdaine;
(Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education Inc., 2002), xxiv+321pp.
ISBN 0-201-72914-8