## Setting up dummy sampling for fast execution of example
## Please use 4 chains and 20x more warmup & iter in practice
.user_mc_options <- options(RBesT.MC.warmup=50, RBesT.MC.iter=100,
RBesT.MC.chains=2, RBesT.MC.thin=1)
# Binary data example 1
# Mean response rate is ~0.25. For binary endpoints
# a conservative choice for tau is a HalfNormal(0,1) as long as
# the mean response rate is in the range of 0.2 to 0.8. For
# very small or large rates consider the n_infinity approach
# illustrated below.
# for exact reproducible results, the seed must be set
map_AS <- gMAP(cbind(r, n - r) ~ 1 | study,
family = binomial,
data = AS,
tau.dist = "HalfNormal", tau.prior = 1,
beta.prior = 2
# obtain numerical summaries
map_sum <- summary(map_AS)
# [1] "tau" "beta" "theta.pred" "theta"
# \donttest{
# graphical model checks (returns list of ggplot2 plots)
map_checks <- plot(map_AS)
# forest plot with shrinkage estimates
# density of MAP prior on response scale
# density of MAP prior on link scale
# }
# obtain shrinkage estimates
# regression coefficients
# finally fit MAP prior with parametric mixture
map_mix <- mixfit(map_AS, Nc = 2)
# \donttest{
# optionally select number of components automatically via AIC
map_automix <- automixfit(map_AS)
# }
# Normal example 2, see normal vignette
# Prior considerations
# The general principle to derive a prior for tau can be based on the
# n_infinity concept as discussed in Neuenschwander et al., 2010.
# This assumes a normal approximation which applies for the colitis
# data set as:
p_bar <- mean(with(colitis, r / n))
s <- round(1 / sqrt(p_bar * (1 - p_bar)), 1)
# s is the approximate sampling standard deviation and a
# conservative prior is tau ~ HalfNormal(0,s/2)
tau_prior_sd <- s / 2
# Evaluate HalfNormal prior for tau
tau_cat <- c(
pooling = 0,
small = 0.0625,
moderate = 0.125,
substantial = 0.25,
large = 0.5,
veryLarge = 1,
stratified = Inf
# Interval probabilites (basically saying we are assuming
# heterogeniety to be smaller than very large)
diff(2 * pnorm(tau_cat * s, 0, tau_prior_sd))
# Cumulative probabilities as 1-F
1 - 2 * (pnorm(tau_cat * s, 0, tau_prior_sd) - 0.5)
## Recover user set sampling defaults
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab