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RBesT (version 1.8-1)

mixdiff: Difference of mixture distributions


Density, cumulative distribution function, quantile function and random number generation for the difference of two mixture distributions.


dmixdiff(mix1, mix2, x)

pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, q, lower.tail = TRUE)

qmixdiff(mix1, mix2, p, lower.tail = TRUE)

rmixdiff(mix1, mix2, n)


Respective density, quantile, cumulative density or random numbers.



first mixture density


second mixture density


vector of values for which density values are computed


vector of quantiles for which cumulative probabilities are computed


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise P[X > x].


vector of cumulative probabilities for which quantiles are computed


size of random sample


If \(x_1 \sim f_1(x_1)\) and \(x_2 \sim f_2(x_2)\), the density of the difference \(d \equiv x_1 - x_2\) is given by

$$f_d(d) = \int f_1(u) \, f_2(u - d) \, du.$$

The cumulative distribution function equates to

$$F_d(d) = \int f_1(u) \, (1-F_2(u-d)) \, du.$$

Both integrals are performed over the full support of the densities and use the numerical integration function integrate.


Run this code

# 1. Difference between two beta distributions, i.e. Pr( mix1 - mix2 > 0)
mix1 <- mixbeta(c(1, 11, 4))
mix2 <- mixbeta(c(1, 8, 7))
pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0, FALSE)

# Interval probability, i.e. Pr( 0.3 > mix1 - mix2 > 0)
pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0.3) - pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0)

# 2. two distributions, one of them a mixture
m1 <- mixbeta(c(1, 30, 50))
m2 <- mixbeta(c(0.75, 20, 50), c(0.25, 1, 1))

# random sample of difference
rM <- rmixdiff(m1, m2, 1E4)

# histogram of random numbers and exact density
hist(rM, prob = TRUE, new = TRUE, nclass = 40)
curve(dmixdiff(m1, m2, x), add = TRUE, n = 51)

# threshold probabilities for difference, at 0 and 0.2
pmixdiff(m1, m2, 0)
mean(rM < 0)
pmixdiff(m1, m2, 0.2)
mean(rM < 0.2)

# median of difference
mdn <- qmixdiff(m1, m2, 0.5)
mean(rM < mdn)

# 95%-interval
qmixdiff(m1, m2, c(0.025, 0.975))
quantile(rM, c(0.025, 0.975))

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