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Expectation-Maximization (EM) based fitting of parametric mixture densities to numerical samples. This provides a convenient approach to approximate MCMC samples with a parametric mixture distribution.
mixfit(sample, type = c("norm", "beta", "gamma", "mvnorm"), thin, ...)# S3 method for default
mixfit(sample, type = c("norm", "beta", "gamma", "mvnorm"), thin, ...)
# S3 method for gMAP
mixfit(sample, type, thin, ...)
# S3 method for gMAPpred
mixfit(sample, type, thin, ...)
# S3 method for array
mixfit(sample, type, thin, ...)
A mixture object according the requested type
returned. The object has additional information attached, i.e. the
log-likelihood can be queried and diagnostic plots can be
generated. See links below.
Sample to be fitted.
Mixture density to use. Can be either norm, beta or gamma.
Thinning applied to the sample. See description for default behavior.
Parameters passed to the low-level EM fitting functions. Parameter Nc
is mandatory.
: Performs an EM fit for the given
sample. Thinning is applied only if thin is specified.
: Fits the default predictive distribution from a
gMAP analysis. Automatically obtains the predictive distribution of
the intercept only case on the response scale mixture from the
object. For the binomial case a beta mixture,
for the gaussian case a normal mixture and for the Poisson case a
gamma mixture will be used. In the gaussian case, the resulting
normal mixture will set the reference scale to the estimated
sigma in gMAP
: Fits a mixture density for each prediction from
the gMAP
: Fits a mixture density for an MCMC sample. It is
recommended to provide a thinning argument which roughly yields
independent draws (i.e. use acf
to identify a
thinning lag with small auto-correlation). The input array is
expected to have 3 dimensions which are nested as iterations,
chains, and draws.
Parameters of EM fitting functions
Number of mixture components. Required parameter.
Initial mixture density. If missing (default) then a k-nearest-neighbor algorithm is used to find an initial mixture density.
Number of data points used for initialization. Defaults to 50.
If set to TRUE
the function will inform about fitting process
Maximal number of iterations. Defaults to 500.
Defines a convergence criteria as an upper bound for the change in the log-likelihood, i.e. once the derivative (with respect to iterations) of the log-likelihood falls below tol
, the function declares convergence and stops.
Must be a triplet of numbers which set the desired accuracy of the inferred parameters per mixture component. See below for a description of the parameters used during EM. EM is stopped once a running mean of the absolute difference between the last successive Neps
estimates is below the given eps
for all parameters. Defaults to 5E-3 for each parameter.
Number of iterations used for the running mean of parameter estimates to test for convergence. Defaults to 5.
Logical value controlling if the Beta EM constrains all parameters a & b to be greater than 1. By default constraints are turned on (new since 1.6-0).
By default the EM convergence is declared when
the desired accuracy of the parameters has been reached over the last
estimates. If tol
and Neps
is specified, then
whatever criterion is met first will stop the EM.
The parameters per component \(k\) used internally during fitting are for the different EM procedures:
\(logit(w_k), \mu_k, \log(\sigma_k)\)
\(logit(w_k), \log(a_k), \log(b_k)\)
\(logit(w_k), \log(a_k-1), \log(b_k-1)\)
\(logit(w_k), \log(\alpha_k), \log(\beta_k)\)
Note: Whenever no mix_init
argument is given,
the EM fitting routines assume that the data vector is given in
random order. If in the unlikely event that the EM gets caught in a
local extremum, then random reordering of the data vector may
alleviate the issue.
Dempster A.P., Laird N.M., Rubin D.B. Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 1977; 39 (1): 1-38.
Other EM:
bmix <- mixbeta(rob = c(0.2, 1, 1), inf = c(0.8, 10, 2))
bsamp <- rmix(bmix, 1000)
bfit <- mixfit(bsamp, type = "beta", Nc = 2)
# diagnostic plots can easily by generated from the EM fit with
bfit.check <- plot(bfit)
# check convergence of parameters
# obtain the log-likelihood
# or AIC
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