if (FALSE) {
# The mixstanvar adapter requires the optional packages brms and glue
stopifnot(require("brms"), require("glue"))
# Assume we prefer a logistic regression MCMC analysis rather than a
# beta-binomial analysis for the responder endpoint of the ankylosing
# spondylitis (AS) example. Reasons to prefer a regression analysis is
# to allow for baseline covariate adjustments, for example.
map_AS_beta <- mixbeta(c(0.62, 19.2, 57.8), c(0.38, 3.5, 9.4))
# First we need to convert the beta mixture to a respective mixture on
# the log odds scale and approximate it with a normal mixture density.
map_AS_samp <- rmix(map_AS_beta, 1E4)
map_AS <- mixfit(logit(map_AS_samp), type = "norm", Nc = 2)
# Trial results for placebo and secukinumab.
trial <- data.frame(
n = c(6, 24),
r = c(1, 15),
arm = factor(c("placebo", "secukinumab"))
# Define brms model such that the overall intercept corresponds to the
# placebo response rate on the logit scale. NOTE: The use of
# center=FALSE is required here as detailed in the note above.
model <- bf(r | trials(n) ~ 1 + arm, family = binomial, center = FALSE)
# to obtain detailed information on the declared model parameters use
# get_prior(model, data=trial)
# declare model prior with reference to mixture normal map prior...
model_prior <- prior(mixnorm(map_w, map_m, map_s), coef = Intercept) +
prior(normal(0, 2), class = b)
# ... which must be made available to brms using the mixstanvar adapter.
# Note that the map_AS prior is labeled "map" as referred to in the
# previous prior declaration.
analysis <- brm(model,
data = trial, prior = model_prior,
stanvars = mixstanvar(map = map_AS),
seed = 365634, refresh = 0
# Let's compare the logistic regression estimate for the probability
# of a positive treatment effect (secukinumab response rate exceeding
# the response rate of placebo) to the direct beta-binomial analysis:
hypothesis(analysis, "armsecukinumab > 0")
post_secukinumab <- postmix(mixbeta(c(1, 0.5, 1)), r = 15, n = 24)
post_placebo <- postmix(map_AS_beta, r = 1, n = 6)
pmixdiff(post_secukinumab, post_placebo, 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
# The posterior probability for a positive treatment effect
# is very close to unity in both cases.
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