# see ?decision2S for details of example
priorT <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 0.001), sigma = 88, param = "mn")
priorP <- mixnorm(c(1, -49, 20), sigma = 88, param = "mn")
# the success criteria is for delta which are larger than some
# threshold value which is why we set lower.tail=FALSE
successCrit <- decision2S(c(0.95, 0.5), c(0, 50), FALSE)
# example interim outcome
postP_interim <- postmix(priorP, n = 10, m = -50)
postT_interim <- postmix(priorT, n = 20, m = -80)
# assume that mean -50 / -80 were observed at the interim for
# placebo control(n=10) / active treatment(n=20) which gives
# the posteriors
# then the PoS to succeed after another 20/30 patients is
pos_final <- pos2S(postP_interim, postT_interim, 20, 30, successCrit)
pos_final(postP_interim, postT_interim)
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