Return the results stored on a file created by califlopp
A data.frame with as many rows as pairs of polygons on the file. The columns are:
Identifiers of the polygons.
Integrated flow divided by the area of the second polygon.
If several dispersion functions have been studied, as many columns
functions. The columns labels are then
, mean.flow.f2/area
, etc...
Areas of the polygons in squared meters.
when the method is "cubature", only: integrated flow, lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval, absolute error, number of evaluations. If several dispersion functions have been studied, the columns labels are suffixed with ".f1", "f2", etc...
when the method is "grid", only: mean of the integrated flow, standard deviation. If several dispersion functions have been studied, the columns labels are suffixed with ".f1", "f2", etc...
Pathname of a result-file created by califlopp