# generated and observed daily temperature data for the considering period
# (1981-2010)(RMAWGEN output data structure)
data (generation_p1)
#collected generated (realizations) and observed data (realizations$Tx_mes, realizations$Tn_mes)
realizations <- generation_p1$output
realizations$Tx_mes <- generation_p1$input$Tx_mes
realizations$Tn_mes <- generation_p1$input$Tn_mes
# realization scanarios used for 'climdex.data.frame'
realizations_TN <- c("Tn_mes","Tn_gen00002","Tn_gen00003","Tn_gen00004")
realizations_TX <- c("Tx_mes","Tx_gen00002","Tx_gen00003","Tx_gen00004")
stations <- names(realizations$Tn_mes)
start_date = "1981-01-01"
end_date = "2010-12-31"
# The indices \link{climdex.tn90p},\link{climdex.tx90p} are considered in this example
climate_indices = c("climdex.tn90p","climdex.tx90p")
frequency = "monthly"
date.series = seq(as.PCICt(start_date, cal = "gregorian"),
as.PCICt(end_date, cal = "gregorian"), by = "days")
base.range = c(1990, 2002)
n = 5
prefix = NULL
climdex <- climdex.data.frame(data=realizations, station=stations,
start_date= start_date, end_date = end_date ,climate_index = climate_indices,
frequency = frequency,date.series = date.series,base.range = base.range,
n = n, prefix = prefix)
## Function 'climdex.data.frame' can be also used with annual frequency
## The following lines are now commented because the elapsed time is too long!!
## Please uncomment to run the following lines to run the function.
# climdex_annual <- climdex.data.frame(data=realizations, station=stations,
# realization_TN=realizations_TN,realization_TX=realizations_TX,realization_PREC=NULL,
# start_date= start_date, end_date = end_date ,climate_index = climate_indices,
# frequency = "yearly",date.series = date.series,base.range = base.range,
# n = n, prefix = prefix)
# str(climdex_annual)
# Wilcoxon test between observed and generated climate indices
observed <- "T0129__Tn_mes__climdex.tx90p"
generated <- c("T0129__Tn_gen00002__climdex.tx90p","T0129__Tn_gen00003__climdex.tx90p")
wxt <- wilcox.test(x=climdex,observed=observed,generated=generated)
# Kolgomorov-Smirinov test between observed and generated climate indices
kst <- ks.test.climdex.data.frame(data=climdex,observed=observed,generated=generated)
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