A Generic function for estimation of Local FDR
Lfdr(G, ...)# S3 method for GLVmix
Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...)
# S3 method for WGLVmix
Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...)
# S3 method for GLmix
Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...)
A fitted object from some G-modeling function.
other arguments
data frame to in which to evaluate Lfdr
threshold for evaluation of Lfdr
either "R" or "L" to specify tail focus
Given an estimated mixing distribution, G, Lfdr computes an estimated local false discovery rate at a specified set of points and threshold value cnull. The argument G can be specified as the fitted object from one of several possible fitting routines for nonparametric mixing distributions.