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REBayes (version 2.56)

bball: U.S. Major League Batting Average Data: 2002-2012


Data frame consisting of the following variables:



Data is aggregated into half seasons: so season indicates whether the observation is in the first or second half of the season of a given year. Only players who have more than 10 at bats in any half season are included, and only players who have more than three half seasons are represented. The transformed batting average is \(arcsin(sqrt((H + 1/4)/(AB + 1/2)))\). Only regular seasons data are included. R programs to extract the data from the original sources are available on request.

  • Name

  • IdNum

  • Year

  • Halfseason

  • Pitcher

  • HA transformed batting average;

  • AB at bats

  • H hits

  • BB walks

  • YOB Year of Birth;

  • age age of the player

  • agesq age squared


Gu, Jiaying and Roger Koenker (2015) Empirical Bayesball Remixed: Empirical Bayes Methods for Longitudinal Data, J. Applied Econometrics, forthcoming.