# The weird ranges are to avoid the pipe character;
# PCRE doesn't support character negation.
pattern_boxes <- "(?<=\\A| \\| )(?\\d{1,}), (?[\x20-\x7B\x7D-\x7E]{1,})(?= \\| |\\Z)"
choices_1 <- paste0(
"1, American Indian/Alaska Native | ",
"2, Asian | ",
"3, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | ",
"4, Black or African American | ",
"5, White | ",
"6, Unknown / Not Reported"
# This calls the general function, and requires the correct regex pattern.
REDCapR::regex_named_captures(pattern=pattern_boxes, text=choices_1)
# This function is designed specifically for the checkbox values.
if (FALSE) {
uri <- "https://redcap-dev-2.ouhsc.edu/redcap/api/"
token <- "9A068C425B1341D69E83064A2D273A70"
ds_metadata <- redcap_metadata_read(uri, token)$data
choices_2 <- ds_metadata[ds_metadata$field_name == "race", ]$select_choices_or_calculations
REDCapR::regex_named_captures(pattern = pattern_boxes, text = choices_2)
path_3 <- system.file(package = "REDCapR", "test-data/projects/simple/metadata.csv")
ds_metadata_3 <- read.csv(path_3)
choices_3 <- ds_metadata_3[ds_metadata_3$field_name=="race", "select_choices_or_calculations"]
REDCapR::regex_named_captures(pattern = pattern_boxes, text = choices_3)
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