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REDCapR (version 1.4.0)

redcap_read_eav_oneshot: Read/Export records from a REDCap project, returned as eav


This function uses REDCap's API to select and return data in an eav


  records = NULL,
  fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  export_survey_fields = FALSE,
  export_data_access_groups = FALSE,
  filter_logic = "",
  datetime_range_begin = as.POSIXct(NA),
  datetime_range_end = as.POSIXct(NA),
  blank_for_gray_form_status = FALSE,
  http_response_encoding = "UTF-8",
  locale = readr::default_locale(),
  verbose = TRUE,
  config_options = NULL,
  handle_httr = NULL


Currently, a list is returned with the following elements:

  • data: A tibble::tibble() of the desired records and columns.

  • success: A boolean value indicating if the operation was apparently successful.

  • status_code: The http status code of the operation.

  • outcome_message: A human readable string indicating the operation's outcome.

  • records_collapsed: The desired records IDs, collapsed into a single string, separated by commas.

  • fields_collapsed: The desired field names, collapsed into a single string, separated by commas.

  • filter_logic: The filter statement passed as an argument.

  • elapsed_seconds: The duration of the function.

  • raw_text: If an operation is NOT successful, the text returned by REDCap. If an operation is successful, the raw_text is returned as an empty string to save RAM.



The uri/url of the REDCap server typically formatted as "https://server.org/apps/redcap/api/". Required.


The user-specific string that serves as the password for a project. Required.


An array, where each element corresponds to the ID of a desired record. Optional.


An array, where each element corresponds to a desired project field. Optional.


An array, where each element corresponds to a desired project form. Optional.


An array, where each element corresponds to a desired project event. Optional.


A boolean that specifies whether to export the survey identifier field (e.g., 'redcap_survey_identifier') or survey timestamp fields (e.g., instrument+'_timestamp'). The timestamp outputs reflect the survey's completion time (according to the time and timezone of the REDCap server.)


A boolean value that specifies whether or not to export the redcap_data_access_group field when data access groups are utilized in the project. Default is FALSE. See the details below.


String of logic text (e.g., [gender] = 'male') for filtering the data to be returned by this API method, in which the API will only return the records (or record-events, if a longitudinal project) where the logic evaluates as TRUE. An blank/empty string returns all records.


To return only records that have been created or modified after a given datetime, provide a POSIXct value. If not specified, REDCap will assume no begin time.


To return only records that have been created or modified before a given datetime, provide a POSIXct value. If not specified, REDCap will assume no end time.


A boolean value that specifies whether or not to export blank values for instrument complete status fields that have a gray status icon. All instrument complete status fields having a gray icon can be exported either as a blank value or as "0" (Incomplete). Blank values are recommended in a data export if the data will be re-imported into a REDCap project. Default is FALSE.


The encoding value passed to httr::content(). Defaults to 'UTF-8'.


a readr::locale() object to specify preferences like number, date, and time formats. This object is passed to readr::read_csv(). Defaults to readr::default_locale().


A boolean value indicating if messages should be printed to the R console during the operation. The verbose output might contain sensitive information (e.g. PHI), so turn this off if the output might be visible somewhere public. Optional.


A list of options passed to httr::POST(). See details at httr::httr_options(). Optional.


The value passed to the handle parameter of httr::POST(). This is useful for only unconventional authentication approaches. It should be NULL for most institutions. Optional.


Will Beasley


If you do not pass an export_data_access_groups value, it will default to FALSE. The following is from the API help page for version 10.5.1: This flag is only viable if the user whose token is being used to make the API request is not in a data access group. If the user is in a group, then this flag will revert to its default value.


The official documentation can be found on the 'API Help Page' and 'API Examples' pages on the REDCap wiki (i.e., https://community.projectredcap.org/articles/456/api-documentation.html and https://community.projectredcap.org/articles/462/api-examples.html). If you do not have an account for the wiki, please ask your campus REDCap administrator to send you the static material.


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
uri      <- "https://redcap-dev-2.ouhsc.edu/redcap/api/"
token    <- "9A068C425B1341D69E83064A2D273A70"

# Return all records and all variables.
ds <- REDCapR:::redcap_read_eav_oneshot(redcap_uri=uri, token=token)$data

# Return only records with IDs of 1 and 3
desired_records_v1 <- c(1, 3)
ds_some_rows_v1 <- REDCapR:::redcap_read_eav_oneshot(
  redcap_uri = uri,
  token      = token,
  records    = desired_records_v1

# Return only the fields record_id, name_first, and age
desired_fields_v1 <- c("record_id", "name_first", "age")
ds_some_fields_v1 <- REDCapR:::redcap_read_eav_oneshot(
  redcap_uri = uri,
  token      = token,
  fields     = desired_fields_v1

# Repeating
token <- "56F43A10D01D6578A46393394D76D88F"  # PHI-free demo: Repeating Instruments --Sparse # 2603
ds <- REDCapR:::redcap_read_eav_oneshot(redcap_uri=uri, token=token)$data

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab