if (FALSE) {
# Define some constants
uri <- "https://redcap-dev-2.ouhsc.edu/redcap/api/"
token <- "F9CBFFF78C3D78F641BAE9623F6B7E6A" # simple-write
# Read the dataset for the first time.
result_read1 <- REDCapR::redcap_read_oneshot(redcap_uri=uri, token=token)
ds1 <- result_read1$data
# Manipulate a field in the dataset in a VALID way
ds1$telephone <- paste0("(405) 321-000", seq_len(nrow(ds1)))
ds1 <- ds1[1:3, ]
ds1$age <- NULL; ds1$bmi <- NULL # Drop the calculated fields before writing.
result_write <- REDCapR::redcap_write(ds1, redcap_uri=uri, token=token)
# Read the dataset for the second time.
result_read2 <- REDCapR::redcap_read_oneshot(redcap_uri=uri, token=token)
ds2 <- result_read2$data
# Manipulate a field in the dataset in an INVALID way. A US exchange can't be '111'.
ds1$telephone <- paste0("(405) 321-000", seq_len(nrow(ds1)))
# This next line will throw an error.
result_write <- REDCapR::redcap_write(ds1, redcap_uri=uri, token=token)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab