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RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

GFileEnumerator: GFileEnumerator


Enumerated Files Routines


Methods and Functions

gFileEnumeratorNextFile(object, cancellable = NULL, .errwarn = TRUE) gFileEnumeratorClose(object, cancellable = NULL, .errwarn = TRUE) gFileEnumeratorNextFilesAsync(object, num.files, io.priority = 0, cancellable = NULL, callback, user.data = NULL) gFileEnumeratorNextFilesFinish(object, result, .errwarn = TRUE) gFileEnumeratorCloseAsync(object, io.priority = 0, cancellable = NULL, callback, user.data = NULL) gFileEnumeratorCloseFinish(object, result, .errwarn = TRUE) gFileEnumeratorIsClosed(object) gFileEnumeratorHasPending(object) gFileEnumeratorSetPending(object, pending) gFileEnumeratorGetContainer(object)



Detailed Description

GFileEnumerator allows you to operate on a set of GFiles, returning a GFileInfo structure for each file enumerated (e.g. gFileEnumerateChildren will return a GFileEnumerator for each of the children within a directory). To get the next file's information from a GFileEnumerator, use gFileEnumeratorNextFile or its asynchronous version, gFileEnumeratorNextFilesAsync. Note that the asynchronous version will return a list of GFileInfos, whereas the synchronous will only return the next file in the enumerator. To close a GFileEnumerator, use gFileEnumeratorClose, or its asynchronous version, gFileEnumeratorCloseAsync. Once a GFileEnumerator is closed, no further actions may be performed on it, and it should be freed with gObjectUnref().



