gtkBuildableSetName(object, name)
gtkBuildableAddChild(object, builder, child, type)
gtkBuildableSetBuildableProperty(object, builder, name, value)
gtkBuildableConstructChild(object, builder, name)
gtkBuildableCustomTagStart(object, builder, child, tagname, parser, data)
gtkBuildableCustomTagEnd(object, builder, child, tagname, data)
gtkBuildableCustomFinished(object, builder, child, tagname, data)
gtkBuildableParserFinished(object, builder)
gtkBuildableGetInternalChild(object, builder, childname)
GInterface +----GtkBuildable
, GtkAccelLabel
, GtkAction
, GtkActionGroup
, GtkAlignment
, GtkArrow
, GtkAspectFrame
, GtkAssistant
, GtkBin
, GtkBox
, GtkButton
, GtkButtonBox
, GtkCList
, GtkCTree
, GtkCalendar
, GtkCellView
, GtkCheckButton
, GtkCheckMenuItem
, GtkColorButton
, GtkColorSelection
, GtkColorSelectionDialog
, GtkCombo
, GtkComboBox
, GtkComboBoxEntry
, GtkContainer
, GtkCurve
, GtkDialog
, GtkDrawingArea
, GtkEntry
, GtkEntryCompletion
, GtkEventBox
, GtkExpander
, GtkFileChooserButton
, GtkFileChooserDialog
, GtkFileChooserWidget
, GtkFileSelection
, GtkFixed
, GtkFontButton
, GtkFontSelection
, GtkFontSelectionDialog
, GtkFrame
, GtkGammaCurve
, GtkHBox
, GtkHButtonBox
, GtkHPaned
, GtkHRuler
, GtkHSV
, GtkHScale
, GtkHScrollbar
, GtkHSeparator
, GtkHandleBox
, GtkIconFactory
, GtkIconView
, GtkImage
, GtkImageMenuItem
, GtkInfoBar
, GtkInputDialog
, GtkInvisible
, GtkItem
, GtkLabel
, GtkLayout
, GtkLinkButton
, GtkList
, GtkListItem
, GtkListStore
, GtkMenu
, GtkMenuBar
, GtkMenuItem
, GtkMenuShell
, GtkMenuToolButton
, GtkMessageDialog
, GtkMisc
, GtkNotebook
, GtkOffscreenWindow
, GtkOldEditable
, GtkOptionMenu
, GtkPageSetupUnixDialog, GtkPaned
, GtkPixmap
, GtkPlug
, GtkPreview
, GtkPrintUnixDialog, GtkProgress
, GtkProgressBar
, GtkRadioAction
, GtkRadioButton
, GtkRadioMenuItem
, GtkRadioToolButton
, GtkRange
, GtkRecentAction
, GtkRecentChooserDialog
, GtkRecentChooserMenu
, GtkRecentChooserWidget
, GtkRuler
, GtkScale
, GtkScaleButton
, GtkScrollbar
, GtkScrolledWindow
, GtkSeparator
, GtkSeparatorMenuItem
, GtkSeparatorToolItem
, GtkSizeGroup
, GtkSocket
, GtkSpinButton
, GtkSpinner
, GtkStatusbar
, GtkTable
, GtkTearoffMenuItem
, GtkText, GtkTextView
, GtkTipsQuery
, GtkToggleAction
, GtkToggleButton
, GtkToggleToolButton
, GtkToolButton
, GtkToolItem
, GtkToolItemGroup
, GtkToolPalette
, GtkToolbar
, GtkTree, GtkTreeItem, GtkTreeStore
, GtkTreeView
, GtkTreeViewColumn
, GtkUIManager
, GtkVBox
, GtkVButtonBox
, GtkVPaned
, GtkVRuler
, GtkVScale
, GtkVScrollbar
, GtkVSeparator
, GtkViewport
, GtkVolumeButton
, GtkWidget
and GtkWindow
, there should be
very little need for applications to call any