# import the observed data
# A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example
dataDIVAT <- dataDIVAT[1:400,]
# import the expected mortality rates
# the values of recipient age used for computing the sensibilities and
# specificities (choose more values in practice)
age.cut <- quantile(dataDIVAT$ageR, probs=seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1))
# recoding of the variables for matching with the ratetable
dataDIVAT$sex <- "male"
dataDIVAT$sex[dataDIVAT$sexeR==0] <- "female"
dataDIVAT$year <- mdy.date(month=01, day=01, year=dataDIVAT$year.tx,
nineteen = TRUE, fillday = FALSE, fillmonth = FALSE)
dataDIVAT$age <- dataDIVAT$ageR*365
# the ROC curve (without correction by the knn estimator) to
# reduce the time for computing this example. In prectice, the
# correction should by used in case of non-montone results.
roc1 <- net.ROCt(times=dataDIVAT$death.time,
failures=dataDIVAT$death, variable=dataDIVAT$ageR,
p.age=dataDIVAT$age, p.sex=dataDIVAT$sex, p.year=dataDIVAT$year,
rate.table=fr.ratetable, pro.time=3000, cut.off=age.cut, knn=FALSE)
# the sensibilities and specificities associated with the cut off values
# the traditional ROC graph
plot(c(1,1-roc1$table$sp,0), c(1,roc1$table$se,0), ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0,1),
ylab="sensitivity", xlab="1-specificity", type="l", lty=1, col=2, lwd=2)
abline(c(0,0), c(1,1), lty=2)
legend("bottomright", paste("Without knn, (AUC=",
round(roc1$auc, 2), ")", sep=""),lty=1, lwd=2, col=2)
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