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inherited_stfdf(sp, time, data, endtime,
ValueIDs, DerivedFromIDs, MetadataRel, Metadata) "["(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
, end points
of time intervals; if not specified the time intervals are choose by default, when intervals are regular delta n*m
, which holds the measured values
the measured values; space index cycling first, time order preservedendtime
:signature(x = "inherited_stfdf")
: selects location, times and variablessignature(e1="inherited_stfdf",e2="inherited_stfdf")
: compares two inherited stfdf's# look at documentation of addDataValues. Import more than one location to execute the example.
# when you use getDataValues the method return an inherited_stfdf
inDB = getDataValues()
# Select data
#You can selected the data by using numerics and characters.
#In the following code line 'inDB' is sub-setted to the
#second and third location, the first twenty dates and the temperature.
#Advice: The variable must have the correct term. For support
# look at the column name of inDB@data.
selectedData = inDB[1, 1:10, "Distance"]
#Furthermore you can miss out some parameters:
selectedData2 = inDB[1,10:10]
selectedData3 = inDB[,10:10]
#Attention: if the dataset contains only one location
#(or it is subset only one point) it's impossible
#to get a inherited spacetime-object. So you get a object of xts.
#If only one time is selected you get a SpatialPointsDataFrame.
#The inherited stfdf-data can visualized in different plots. For example:
stplot(inDB, mode='tp', type = 's')
stplot(inDB, mode='xt')
# Further you can access the slots of object by take advantage of the '@'.
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