Generic function for the computation of the optimal centering constant (contamination neighborhoods) respectively, of the optimal lower clipping bound (total variation neighborhood). This function is rarely called directly. It is used to compute optimally robust ICs.
getInfCent(L2deriv, neighbor, biastype, ...)# S4 method for UnivariateDistribution,ContNeighborhood,BiasType
neighbor, biastype, clip, cent, tol.z, symm, trafo)
# S4 method for UnivariateDistribution,TotalVarNeighborhood,BiasType
neighbor, biastype, clip, cent, tol.z, symm, trafo)
# S4 method for RealRandVariable,ContNeighborhood,BiasType
neighbor, biastype, Distr, z.comp, w, tol.z = .Machine$double.eps^.5, ...)
# S4 method for RealRandVariable,TotalVarNeighborhood,BiasType
neighbor, biastype, Distr, z.comp, w, tol.z = .Machine$double.eps^.5,...)
# S4 method for UnivariateDistribution,ContNeighborhood,onesidedBias
neighbor, biastype, clip, cent, tol.z, symm, trafo)
# S4 method for UnivariateDistribution,ContNeighborhood,asymmetricBias
neighbor, biastype, clip, cent, tol.z, symm, trafo)
The optimal centering constant is computed.
L2-derivative of some L2-differentiable family of probability measures.
object of class "Neighborhood"
object of class "BiasType"
additional parameters, in particular for expectation E
optimal clipping bound.
optimal centering constant.
the desired accuracy (convergence tolerance).
logical: indicating symmetry of L2deriv
matrix: transformation of the parameter.
object of class Distribution
logical vector: indication which components of the centering constant have to be computed.
object of class RobWeight
; current weight.
computation of optimal centering constant for symmetric bias.
computation of optimal lower clipping bound for symmetric bias.
computation of optimal centering constant for symmetric bias.
computation of optimal centering constant for symmetric bias.
computation of optimal centering constant for onesided bias.
computation of optimal centering constant for asymmetric bias.
Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel
Rieder, H. (1994) Robust Asymptotic Statistics. New York: Springer.
Ruckdeschel, P. (2005) Optimally One-Sided Bounded Influence Curves. Mathematical Methods in Statistics 14(1), 105-131.
Kohl, M. (2005) Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness. Bayreuth: Dissertation.
, TotalVarIC-class