updateNorm-methods to update norm in IC-Algo
updateNorm(normtype, ...)
# S4 method for SelfNorm
updateNorm(normtype, L2, neighbor, biastype, Distr, V.comp,
cent, stand, w)
an updated object of class NormType
normtype of class NormType
further arguments to be passed to specific methods.
object of class "Neighborhood"
object of class "BiasType"
optimal centering constant.
standardizing matrix.
standardizing matrix.
matrix: indication which components of the standardizing matrix have to be computed.
object of class RobWeight
; current weight
signature(normtype = "SelfNorm")
udates the norm in the self-standardized case; just used
internally in the opt-IC-Algorithm.
Peter Ruckdeschel peter.ruckdeschel@uni-oldenburg.de
is used internally in the opt-IC-algorithm to be
able to work with a norm that depends on the current covariance