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ROptEst (version 1.3.5)

getInfClip: Generic Function for the Computation of the Optimal Clipping Bound


Generic function for the computation of the optimal clipping bound in case of infinitesimal robust models. This function is rarely called directly. It is used to compute optimally robust ICs.


getInfClip(clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, ...)

# S4 method for numeric,UnivariateDistribution,asMSE,ContNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, cent, symm, trafo)

# S4 method for numeric,UnivariateDistribution,asMSE,TotalVarNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, cent, symm, trafo)

# S4 method for numeric,UnivariateDistribution,asL1,ContNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, cent, symm, trafo)

# S4 method for numeric,UnivariateDistribution,asL1,TotalVarNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, cent, symm, trafo)

# S4 method for numeric,UnivariateDistribution,asL4,ContNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, cent, symm, trafo)

# S4 method for numeric,UnivariateDistribution,asL4,TotalVarNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, cent, symm, trafo)

# S4 method for numeric,EuclRandVariable,asMSE,UncondNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, Distr, stand, cent, trafo, ...)

# S4 method for numeric,UnivariateDistribution,asUnOvShoot,UncondNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, cent, symm, trafo)

# S4 method for numeric,UnivariateDistribution,asSemivar,ContNeighborhood getInfClip( clip, L2deriv, risk, neighbor, biastype, cent, symm, trafo,...)


The optimal clipping bound is computed.



positive real: clipping bound


L2-derivative of some L2-differentiable family of probability measures.


object of class "RiskType".


object of class "Neighborhood".


additional parameters, in particular for expectation E


object of class "BiasType"


optimal centering constant.


standardizing matrix.


object of class "Distribution".


logical: indicating symmetry of L2deriv.


matrix: transformation of the parameter.


clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", risk = "asMSE", neighbor = "ContNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic mean square error.

clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", risk = "asMSE", neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic mean square error.

clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "EuclRandVariable", risk = "asMSE", neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic mean square error.

clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", risk = "asL1", neighbor = "ContNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic mean absolute error.

clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", risk = "asL1", neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic mean absolute error.

clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", risk = "asL4", neighbor = "ContNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic mean power 4 error.

clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", risk = "asL4", neighbor = "TotalVarNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic mean power 4 error.

clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", risk = "asUnOvShoot", neighbor = "UncondNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic under-/overshoot risk.

clip = "numeric", L2deriv = "UnivariateDistribution", risk = "asSemivar", neighbor = "ContNeighborhood"

optimal clipping bound for asymtotic semivariance.


Matthias Kohl Matthias.Kohl@stamats.de, Peter Ruckdeschel peter.ruckdeschel@uni-oldenburg.de


Rieder, H. (1980) Estimates derived from robust tests. Ann. Stats. 8: 106--115.

Rieder, H. (1994) Robust Asymptotic Statistics. New York: Springer.

Ruckdeschel, P. and Rieder, H. (2004) Optimal Influence Curves for General Loss Functions. Statistics & Decisions 22, 201-223.

Ruckdeschel, P. (2005) Optimally One-Sided Bounded Influence Curves. Mathematical Methods in Statistics 14(1), 105-131.

Kohl, M. (2005) Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness. Bayreuth: Dissertation.

See Also

ContIC-class, TotalVarIC-class