#generate data from Model 1
Train <- RPModel(2, 50, 100, 0.5)
Test <- RPModel(2, 100, 100, 0.5)
#Classify the training and test set for B1 = 10 independent projections, each
#one carefully chosen from a block of size B2 = 10, using the "knn" base
#classifier and the leave-one-out test error estimate
Out <- RPParallel(XTrain = Train$x, YTrain = Train$y, XTest = Test$x, d = 2,
B1 = 10, B2 = 10, base = "knn", projmethod = "Haar", estmethod = "loo",
splitsample = FALSE, k = seq(1, 25, by = 3), clustertype = "Default")
#estimate the class 1 prior probability
phat <- sum(Train$y == 1)/50
#choose the best empirical value of the voting threshold alpha
alphahat <- RPalpha(RP.out = Out, Y = Train$y, p1 = phat)
#combine the base classifications
Class <- RPEnsembleClass(RP.out = Out, n = 50,
n.test = 100, p1 = phat, alpha = alphahat)
#calculate the error
mean(Class != Test$y)
#Code for sample splitting version of the above
#n.val <- 25
#s <- sample(1:50,25)
#OutSS <- RPParallel(XTrain = Train$x[-s,], YTrain = Train$y[-s],
#XVal = Train$x[s,], YVal = Train$y[s], XTest = Test$x, d = 2,
#B1 = 50, B2 = 10, base = "knn", projmethod = "Haar", estmethod = "samplesplit",
#k = seq(1,13, by = 2), clustertype = "Fork", cores = 1)
#alphahatSS <- RPalpha(RP.out = OutSS, Y = Train$y[s], p1 = phat)
#ClassSS <- RPEnsembleClass(RP.out = OutSS, n.val = 25, n.test = 100,
#p1 = phat, samplesplit = TRUE, alpha = alphahatSS)
#mean(ClassSS != Test$y)
# }
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