To export retrieved codings to a HTML file.
exportCodings(file = "Exported Codings.html", Fid = NULL,
order = c("fname", "ftime", "ctime"), append = FALSE,
Length-one character vector, specify the name of exported file.
Integer vector of file id. The retrieved codings are from this subset of files. When it is NULL, it means all the files.
Specify the order of retrieved codings. See details for the meanings.
Logical, when TRUE the exported codings are appended to the existing file (if it exists); otherwise, it overwrites the existing file.
name of sqlite data table where codings are stored. It should be either "coding" or "coding2"
A html file.
"fname" means order the codings by file names, "ftime" by file imported time, and "ctime" by time of coding.