The type of object returned depends on the intern argument passed to the rsaga.geoprocessor(). For intern=FALSE it is a numerical error code (0: success), or otherwise (default) a character vector with the module's console output.
input: digital elevation model (DEM) as SAGA grid file (default file extension: .sgrd)
output: DEM grid file without no-data values (gaps). Existing files will be overwritten!
tension threshold for adjusting the interpolator (default: 0.1)
optional arguments to be passed to rsaga.geoprocessor(), including the env RSAGA geoprocessing environment
Alexander Brenning (R interface), Olaf Conrad (SAGA module)
Details only fill gaps whose neighbor grid cells have non-missing data.
In rsaga.close.gaps, larger tension thresholds can be used to reduce overshoots and undershoots in the surfaces used to fill (interpolate) the gaps.
if (FALSE) {
# using SAGA grids:rsaga.close.gaps("rawdem.sgrd","dem.sgrd")
# using ASCII grids:rsaga.esri.wrapper(rsaga.close.gaps,in.dem="rawdem",out.dem="dem")