This function calculates the amount of incoming solar radiation (insolation) depending on slope, aspect, and atmospheric properties. Module not available in SAGA GIS 2.0.6 and 2.0.7.
horizontal = FALSE,
solconst = 8.164,
atmosphere = 12000,
water.vapour.pressure = 10,
type = c("moment", "day", "range.of.days", "same.moment.range.of.days"),
time.step = 1,
day.step = 5,
bending = FALSE,
radius = 6366737.96,
lat.offset = "user",
lat.ref.user = 0,
lon.offset = "center",
lon.ref.user = 0,
env = rsaga.env(),
The type of object returned depends on the intern
argument passed to the rsaga.geoprocessor()
. For intern=FALSE
it is a numerical error code (0: success), or otherwise (default) a character vector with the module's console output.
Name of input digital elevation model (DEM) grid in SAGA grid format (default extension: .sgrd
Optional input: SAGA grid file giving the water vapour pressure in mbar
Optional input: SAGA grid file giving for each pixel the latitude in degree
Optional input: SAGA grid file giving for each pixel the longitude in degree
Optional output grid file for direct insolation
Optional output grid file for diffuse insolation
Optional output grid file for total insolation, i.e. the sum of direct and diffuse insolation
logical; project radiation onto a horizontal surface? (default: FALSE
, i.e. use the actual inclined surface as a reference area)
solar constant in Joule; default: 8.164 J/cm2/min (=1360.7 kWh/m2; the more commonly used solar constant of 1367 kWh/m2 corresponds to 8.202 J/cm2/min)
height of atmosphere in m; default: 12000m
if no water vapour grid is given, this argument specifies a constant water vapour pressure that is uniform in space; in mbar, default 10 mbar
type of time period: "moment"
(equivalent: 0
) for a single instant, "day"
(or 1
) for a single day, "range.of.days"
(or 2
), or "same.moment.range.of.days"
(or 3
) for the same moment in a range of days; default: "moment"
time resolution in hours for discretization within a day
time resolution in days for a range of days
numeric vector of length 2, specifying the first and last day of a range of days (for type
s 2 and 3)
if type="moment"
or "same.moment.range.of.days"
, moment
specifies the time of the day (hour between 0 and 24) for which the insolation is to be calculated
if no in.latitude
grid is given, this will specify a fixed geographical latitude for the entire grid
should planetary bending be modeled? (default: FALSE
planetary radius
relates to grids "bottom"
(equivalent code: 0
), "center"
(1), "top"
(2), or "user"
-defined reference (default: "user"
); in the latter case, lat.ref.user
defines the reference
if in.latitude
is missing and lat.offset="user"
, then this numeric value defines the latitudinal reference (details??)
local time refers to grid's "left"
edge (code 0), "center"
(1), "right"
edge (2), or a "user"
-defined reference.
if in.longitude
is missing and lon.offset="user"
, then this numeric value defines the reference of the local time (details??)
RSAGA geoprocessing environment obtained with rsaga.env()
; this argument is required for version control (see Note)
optional arguments to be passed to rsaga.geoprocessor()
, including the env
RSAGA geoprocessing environment
Alexander Brenning (R interface), Olaf Conrad (SAGA module)
Calculation of incoming solar radiation (insolation). Based on the SADO (System for the Analysis of Discrete Surfaces) routines developed by Boehner & Trachinow.
, rsaga.pisr()
, rsaga.hillshade()