Pick values from SAGA grids and attach them as a new variables to a point shapefile.
method = c("nearest.neighbour", "bilinear", "idw", "bicubic.spline", "b.spline"),
The type of object returned depends on the intern
argument passed to the rsaga.geoprocessor()
. For intern=FALSE
it is a numerical error code (0: success), or otherwise (default) a character vector with the module's console output.
Input point shapefile (default extension: .shp
Input: character vector with names of (one or more) SAGA GIS grid files to be converted into a point shapefile.
Output point shapefile (default extension: .shp
interpolation method to be used; choices: nearest neighbour interpolation (default), bilinear interpolation, inverse distance weighting, bicubic spline interpolation, B-splines.
Optional arguments to be passed to rsaga.geoprocessor()
, including the env
RSAGA geoprocessing environment.
Alexander Brenning (R interface), Olaf Conrad (SAGA modules)
Retrieves information from the selected grids at the positions of the points of the selected points layer and adds it to the resulting layer.
, pick.from.ascii.grid()
, pick.from.saga.grid()
, rsaga.grid.to.points()