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RSAGA (version 1.4.2)

rsaga.grid.calculus: SAGA Module Grid Calculus


Perform Arithmetic Operations on Grids


rsaga.grid.calculus(in.grids, out.grid, formula, env = rsaga.env(), ...)

rsaga.linear.combination( in.grids, out.grid, coef, cf.digits = 16, remove.zeros = FALSE, remove.ones = TRUE, env = rsaga.env(), ... )


The type of object returned depends on the intern argument passed to the rsaga.geoprocessor(). For intern=FALSE it is a numerical error code (0: success), or otherwise (the default) a character vector with the module's console output.



input character vector: SAGA grid files (default file extension: .sgrd)


output: grid file resulting from the cell-by-cell application of 'formula' to the grids. Existing files will be overwritten!


character string of formula specifying the arithmetic operation to be performed on the in.grids (see Details); if this is a formula, only the right hand side will be used.


RSAGA geoprocessing environment, generated by a call to rsaga.env()


optional arguments to be passed to rsaga.geoprocessor()


numeric: coefficient vector to be used for the linear combination of the in.grids. If coef as one more element than in.grids, the first one will be interpreted as an intercept.


integer: number of digits used when converting the coefficients coef to character strings (trailing zeros will be removed)


logical: if TRUE, terms (grids) with coefficient (numerically) equal to zero (after rounding to cf.digits digits) will be removed from the formula


logical: if TRUE (the default), factors equal to 1 (after rounding to cf.digits digits) will be removed from the formula


Alexander Brenning (R interface), Olaf Conrad (SAGA module)


The in.grids are represented in the formula by the letters a (for in.grids[1]), b etc. Thus, if in.grids[1] is Landsat TM channel 3 and in.grids[2] is channel 4, the NDVI formula (TM3-TM4)/(TM3+TM4) can be represented by the character string "(a-b)/(a+b)" (any spaces are removed) or the formula ~(a-b)/(a+b) in the formula argument.

In addition to +, -, *, and /, the following operators and functions are available for the formula definition: + \(\hat{\ }\) power + sin(a) sine + cos(a) cosine + tan(a) tangent + asin(a) arc sine + acos(a) arc cosine + atan(a) arc tangent + atan2(a,b) arc tangent of b/a + abs(a) absolute value + int(a) convert to integer + sqr(a) square + sqrt(a) square root + ln(a) natural logarithm + log(a) base 10 logarithm + mod(a,b) modulo + gt(a, b) returns 1 if a greater b + lt(a, b) returns 1 if a lower b + eq(a, b) returns 1 if a equal b + ifelse(switch, x, y) returns x if switch equals 1 else y

Using remove.zeros=FALSE might have the side effect that no data areas in the grid with coefficient 0 are passed on to the results grid. (To be confirmed.)

See Also

local.function(), focal.function(), and multi.focal.function() for a more flexible framework for combining grids or applying local and focal functions; rsaga.geoprocessor(), rsaga.env()


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
# using SAGA grids:
# calculate the NDVI from Landsat TM bands 3 and 4:
rsaga.grid.calculus(c("tm3.sgrd","tm4.sgrd"), "ndvi.sgrd", ~(a-b)/(a+b))
# apply a linear regression equation to grids:
coefs = c(20,-0.6)
# maybe from a linear regression of mean annual air temperature (MAAT)
# against elevation - something like:
# coefs = coef( lm( maat ~ elevation ) )
rsaga.linear.combination("elevation.sgrd", "maat.sgrd", coefs)
# equivalent:
rsaga.grid.calculus("elevation.sgrd", "maat.sgrd", "20 - 0.6*a")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab