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RSAGA (version 1.4.2)

rsaga.import.gdal: Import Grid Files to SAGA grid format using GDAL


These functions provide simple interfaces for reading and writing grids from/to ASCII grids and Rd files. Grids are stored in matrices, their headers in lists.


rsaga.import.gdal(in.grid, out.grid, env = rsaga.env(), ...)


the result of the rsaga.geoprocessor() call



file name of a grid in a format supported by GDAL


output SAGA grid file name; defaults to in.grid with the file extension being removed; file extension should not be specified, it defaults to .sgrd


RSAGA geoprocessing environment created by rsaga.env()


additional arguments to be passed to rsaga.geoprocessor


Alexander Brenning (R interface), Olaf Conrad / Andre Ringeler (SAGA module), Frank Warmerdam (GDAL)


The GDAL Raster Import module of SAGA imports grid data from various file formats using the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) by Frank Warmerdam. GDAL Versions are specific to SAGA versions:

  • SAGA 2.1.2 - 2.2.0: GDAL v.1.11.0

  • SAGA 2.2.1 - 2.2.3: GDAL v.2.1.0 dev

  • ...

  • SAGA 8.4.1: GDAL v3.3.0 More information is available at https://gdal.org/.

If in.grid has more than one band (e.g. RGB GEOTIFF), then output grids with file names of the form \(in.grid{\_}01.sgrd\), \(in.grid{\_}02.sgrd\) etc. are written, one for each band.

Numerous raster formats are currently supported. For SAGA 8.4.1 see e.g. https://saga-gis.sourceforge.io/saga_tool_doc/8.4.1/io_gdal_0.html


GDAL website: https://gdal.org/

See Also

read.ascii.grid, rsaga.esri.to.sgrd, read.sgrd, read.Rd.grid