This function calculates the potential incoming solar radiation in an area using different atmospheric models; This function reflects changes to the module with SAGA 2.2.2+.
For SAGA versions 2.0.6 to 2.2.1 please see rsaga.pisr()
in.svf.grid = NULL,
in.vapour.grid = NULL,
in.linke.grid = NULL,,
out.diffuse.grid, = NULL,
out.ratio.grid = NULL,
local.svf = TRUE,
location = c("latitude", "grid"),
latitude = 53,
unit = c("kWh/m2", "kJ/m2", "J/cm2"),
shadow = c("slim", "fat", "none"),
solconst = 1367,
method = c("height", "components", "lumped", "hofierka"),
linke.default = 3,
vapour.default = 10,
hgt.atmosphere = 12000,
cmp.pressure = 1013,
cmp.water.content = 1.68,
cmp.dust = 100,
lmp.transmittance = 70,
time.range = c(0, 24),
time.step = 0.5, = list(day = 31, month = 10, year = 2015), = NULL,
day.step = 5,
env = rsaga.env(),
The type of object returned depends on the intern
argument passed to the rsaga.geoprocessor()
. For intern=FALSE
it is a numerical error code (0: success), or otherwise (default) a character vector with the module's console output.
name of input digital elevation model (DEM) grid in SAGA grid format (default extension: .sgrd
Optional input grid in SAGA format: Sky View Factor; see also local.svf
Optional input grid in SAGA format: Water vapour pressure (mbar), for use with method = "height"
; default 10 mbar
Optional input grid in SAGA format: Linke turbidity coefficient, for use with method = "hofierka"
; default 3.0
Output grid: Direct insolation (unit selected by unit
Output grid: Diffuse insolation
Optional output grid: Total insolation, i.e. sum of direct and diffuse incoming solar radiation
Optional output grid: Direct to diffuse ratio
Optional output grid: Duration of insolation.
Optional output grid: time of sunrise; only calculated if time span is set to single day
Time of sunset; see out.sunrise
logical (default: TRUE
; if TRUE, use sky view factor based on local slope (after Oke, 1988), if no sky view factor grid is provided in in.svf.grid
specified whether to use constant latitude supplied by latitude
below ("latitude"
or code 0
; default) or as calculated from the grid system ("grid"
or code 1
Geographical latitude in degree North (negative values indicate southern hemisphere)
unit of insolation output grids: "kWh/m2"
(default) "kJ/m2"
, or "J/cm2"
specifies how topographic shading is modeled: "slim"
(or numeric code 0), "fat"
(or code 1; the default), or "none"
(code 2
). Quoting SAGA 7.8.2 help: Choose 'slim' to trace grid node's shadow, 'fat' to trace the whole cell's shadow, or ignore shadowing effects. The first is slightly faster but might show some artifacts. (End quote.)
solar constant, defaults to 1367 W/m2
specifies how the atmospheric components should be accounted for: either based on the height of atmosphere and vapour pressure ("height"
, or numeric code 0), or air pressure, water and dust content ("components"
, code 1), or lumped atmospheric transmittance ("lumped"
, code 2
), or by the method of Hofierka and Suri, 2009 ("hofierka"
, code 3
). Default: "lumped"
, defaults to 3.0
, defaults to 10.0
Height of atmosphere (in m); default 12000 m. For use with method = "height"
atmospheric pressure in mbar, defaults to 1013 mbar. For use with method = "components"
water content of a vertical slice of the atmosphere in cm: between 1.5 and 1.7cm, average 1.68cm (default). For use with method = "components"
dust factor in ppm; defaults to 100 ppm. For use with method = "components"
transmittance of the atmosphere in percent; usually between 60 (humid areas) and 80 percent (deserts)
numeric vector of length 2: time span (hours of the day) for numerical integration
time step in hours for numerical integration
list of length three, giving the start date in day
, month
, and year
components as numbers, i.e. Jan. 1st 2015 is list(day=1,month=1,year=2015)
if days
indicates a range of days, this specifies the time step (number of days) for calculating the incoming solar radiation
RSAGA geoprocessing environment obtained with rsaga.env()
; this argument is required for version control (see Note)
optional arguments to be passed to rsaga.geoprocessor()
Alexander Brenning & Donovan Bangs (R interface), Olaf Conrad (SAGA module)
According to SAGA GIS 2.0.7 documentation, "Most options should do well, but TAPES-G based diffuse irradiance calculation ("Atmospheric Effects" methods 2 and 3) needs further revision!" I.e. be careful with method = "components"
and method = "lumped"
Boehner, J., Antonic, O. (2009): Land surface parameters specific to topo-climatology. In: Hengl, T. and Reuter, H. I. (eds.): Geomorphometry - Concepts, Software, Applications. Elsevier.
Oke, T.R. (1988): Boundary layer climates. London, Taylor and Francis.
Wilson, J.P., Gallant, J.C. (eds.), 2000: Terrain analysis - principles and applications. New York, John Wiley and Sons.
Hofierka, J., Suri, M. (2002): The solar radiation model for Open source GIS: implementation and applications. International GRASS users conference in Trento, Italy, September 2002
; for similar modules in older SAGA versions (pre-2.0.6) see
and rsaga.insolation()
; rsaga.hillshade()