This function calculates the potential incoming solar radiation in an area either using a lumped atmospheric transmittance model or estimating it based on water and dust content. Use rsaga.pisr()
instead with SAGA GIS 2.0.6+.
unit = c("kWh/m2", "J/m2"),
solconst = 1367,
method = c("lumped", "components"),
transmittance = 70,
pressure = 1013,
water.content = 1.68,
dust = 100,
time.range = c(0, 24),
time.step = 1,
days = list(day = 21, month = 3),
day.step = 5,
env = rsaga.env(),
The type of object returned depends on the intern
argument passed to the rsaga.geoprocessor()
. For intern=FALSE
it is a numerical error code (0: success), or otherwise (default) a character vector with the module's console output.
name of input digital elevation model (DEM) grid in SAGA grid format (default extension: .sgrd
output grid file for potential incoming solar radiation sums
Optional output grid file for duration of insolation
Geographical latitude in degree North (negative values indicate southern hemisphere)
unit of the out.grid
output: "kWh/m2"
(default) or "J/m2"
solar constant, defaults to 1367 W/m2
specifies how the atmospheric components should be accounted for: either based on a lumped atmospheric transmittance as specified by argument transmittance
, or numeric code 0
; default); or by calculating the components corresponding to water and dust ("components"
, code 1
transmittance of the atmosphere in percent; usually between 60 (humid areas) and 80 percent (deserts)
atmospheric pressure in mbar
water content of a vertical slice of the atmosphere in cm: between 1.5 and 1.7cm, average 1.68cm (default)
dust factor in ppm; defaults to 100ppm
numeric vector of length 2: time span (hours of the day) for numerical integration
time step in hours for numerical integration
either a list with components day
and month
specifying a single day of the year for radiation modeling; OR a numeric vector of length 2 specifying the start and end date (see Note below)
if days
indicates a range of days, this specifies the time step (number of days) for calculating the incoming solar radiation
RSAGA geoprocessing environment obtained with rsaga.env()
; this argument is required for version control (see Note)
optional arguments to be passed to rsaga.geoprocessor()
Alexander Brenning (R interface), Olaf Conrad (SAGA module)
Wilson, J.P., Gallant, J.C. (eds.), 2000: Terrain analysis - principles and applications. New York, John Wiley & Sons.
, rsaga.insolation()
if (FALSE) {
# potential solar radiation on Nov 7 in Southern Ontario..."dem","solrad","soldur",latitude=43,
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