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Write RSEIS list to a file in ASCII format.
ASCII.SEISN(GH, sel = 1, HEAD = TRUE, destdir='.' )
Side effects - files are created.
RSEIS list
vector, select which ttraces to write
logical, TRUE will put a header in the file
character, path to folder to deposit output file
Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees@unc.edu>
Used for data exchange for users who do not want to use RSEIS. The header consists of one line start date (yr, jd, hr, min, sec) and sample rate (dt).
if (FALSE) { data("GH") tempd = tempdir() sel <- which(GH$COMPS == "V" & GH$STNS=="CE1" , destdir=tempd ) ASCII.SEISN(GH, sel = 1, HEAD = TRUE) }
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