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Read in a velocity model
Get1Dvel(infile, PLOT = TRUE)
vector of Tops of Layers, P-wave, (km)
vector of velocities of Layers, P-wave,(km/s)
errors for velocities, P-wave,(km/s)
vector of Tops of Layers, S-wave, (km)
vector of velocities of Layers, S-wave,(km/s)
errors for velocities, S-wave,(km/s)
character, name of model
character vector description of model
Path to ascii-text model
logical, TRUE=plot
Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees.edu>
Reads Velocity model from a text file
Plot1Dvel, Comp1Dvel, Comp1Dvels, travel.time1D
if (FALSE) VELMOD1D = Get1Dvel("/home/lees/Progs/R_PAX/wu_coso.vel", PLOT=TRUE) if (FALSE) { data(VELMOD1D) Get1Dvel(VELMOD1D, PLOT=TRUE) }
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