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Display MTM displacement spectrum.
MTMdisp(a, f1 = f1, f2 = f2, len2 = 1024, PLOT = FALSE)
Returns displacement spectrum. Graphical Side effect.
seismic velocity trace, as a ts structure (list(y=trace, dt=sample rate)
low frequency
high frequency
length of fft
logical, TRUE=plot
Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees.edu>
Uses Multi-taper estimate of spectrum and divides the spectrum by 1/(2*pi*f) to get integration of velocity seismogram.
Lees, J. M. and Park, J., 1995: Multiple-taper spectral analysis: A stand-alone C-subroutine, Computers \& Geology, 21(2), 199-236.
data(CE1) xvel <- list(y=CE1$y[CE1$x>5.443754 & CE1$x<5.615951], dt=CE1$dt) len2 <- next2(length(xvel$y)) Spec <- MTMdisp(xvel, f1=.01, f2=25, len2=len2, PLOT=FALSE )
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