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Make character vector from dates
Zdate(info, sel=1, t1=0, sep=':') dateList(datevec) dateStamp(datelist, sep=':')
character strings
info structure from trace structure
selection of which ones to extract, default=1:length(info$jd)
time offset, seconds, default=0
character for separating the components in the string, default=":"
vector with yr, jd, mo, day, hr, mi, sec
output of dateList
Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees.edu>
Format date stamp for plotting and identification. Used for STAMP.
swig, dateStamp, ghstamp, filedatetime
data("GH") sel <- which(GH$COMPS == "V") ftime <- Zdate(GH$info, sel[1:5], 1) dvec <- c(2009, 134, 5, 14, 10, 32, 24.5, 0) A <- dateList(dvec) dateStamp(A) dateStamp(A, sep="_")
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