ts1 <- CE1$y
zz <- butfilt(ts1, fl=1, fh=15, deltat=CE1$dt, type="LP" , proto="BU",
npoles=5 )
### try plotting:
if (FALSE) {
### the above, by default, is zero phase.
##### next filter with non-zero-phase
z2 <- butfilt(ts1, fl=1, fh=15, deltat=CE1$dt, type="LP" , proto="BU",
npoles=5, zp=FALSE )
ex = seq(from=0, by=CE1$dt, length=length(ts1))
plot(ex, ts1, type='l')
lines(ex, zz, col='red')
lines(ex, z2, col='blue')
plot(ex[ex<0.5], ts1[ex<0.5], type='l')
lines(ex[ex<0.5], zz[ex<0.5], col='red')
lines(ex[ex<0.5], z2[ex<0.5], col='blue')
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