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Return a matrix of Slepian tapers
get.slepians(npoints = 900, nwin = 5, npi = 3)
Matrix: nwin vectors of npoints Slepian tapers
Number of points to return
Number of windows (default =5)
Pi-Prolate numerber (3)
Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees.edu>
This function onlyu returns the tapers for inspection. To apply the tapers use the function mtapspec.
Lees, J. M. and Park, J., 1995: Multiple-taper spectral analysis: A stand-alone C-subroutine, Computers \& Geology, 21(2), 199-236.
nwin <- 5 npi <- 3 npoints <- 900 sleps <- get.slepians(npoints, nwin, npi) matplot(sleps, type='l', xlab="Index", ylab="Taper Amplitude") legend('topleft', legend=1:nwin, lty=1:nwin, col=1:nwin)
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