if (FALSE) {
## the database DB was constructed with makeDB
usta = "CAL"
acomp = "V"
iday = 2
### get one day's worth of data
JJ <- getseis24(DB, 2009, iday, "CAL", "V", kind = 1)
### plot day
pjj <- plotseis24(JJ, dy=1/18, FIX=24, SCALE=0,
FILT <- list(ON=FALSE, fl=0.5 , fh=20.0, type="BP", proto="BU"),
RCOLS=c(rgb(0.2, .2, 1), rgb(.2, .2, .2)) )
title(paste("CAL", "V"))
### set up pix
WINS2 <- win15
Apix <- WINS2$hr[seq(from=1, to=length(WINS2$hr), by=2) ]
dur <- (WINS2$hr[seq(from=2, to=length(WINS2$hr), by=2) ]-Apix)*3600
## dur <- rep(0, times=length(Apix))
## mark the 24 hour plot
markseis24(pjj, pix =list(yr=rep(pjj$yr, length(Apix)),
jd=rep(pjj$jd, length(Apix)) , hr=Apix, mi=rep(0, length(Apix)),
sec=rep(0, length(Apix)), dur=dur), col='red', ARROWS=FALSE )
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab