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Plot 24 hours of seismic data using output of getseis24.
plotseis24(JJ, dy = 1/18, FIX = 24, SCALE = 0, FILT = list(ON = FALSE,
fl = 0.05, fh = 20, type = "BP", proto = "BU"), RCOLS = c(rgb(0.2, 0.2,
1), rgb(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)), add=FALSE )
julian day
output list of getseis24
Delta-y in percentage of trace
Fix 24 hour plot. If FIX is less than 24, the plot will show only that number of hours.
scale, 0=scale each trace, 1=scale window
filter data
logical, if TRUE, add to existing plot (i.e. do not issue a plot command)
Jonathan M. Lees<>
Plots full 24 hours of data. The list returned can be used by winseis24 to get picks and windows for zooming.
The FIX argument is currently not available.
getseis24, winseis24
if (FALSE) {
JJ <- getseis24(DB, 2008, 366, usta, acomp, kind = 1)
### show with no scaling
pjj <- plotseis24(JJ, dy=1/18, FIX=24, SCALE=0, FILT=list(ON=FALSE,
fl=0.05 , fh=20.0, type="BP", proto="BU"), RCOLS=c(grey(0.8) , grey(0.8)), add=FALSE )
pjj <- plotseis24(JJ, dy=1/18, FIX=24, SCALE=1, FILT=list(ON=FALSE,
fl=0.05 , fh=20.0, type="BP", proto="BU"), RCOLS=c(rgb(0.2, .2, 1),
rgb(.2, .2, .2)), add=TRUE )
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