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Convert RSEIS to SEGY/SAC format
rseis2segy(GH, sel = 1, win = c(0, 1), path = ".", BIGLONG = FALSE) rseis2sac(GH, sel = 1, win = c(0, 1), path = ".", BIGLONG = FALSE)
Side effects in file system
RSEIS format list
select traces to convert
vector, t1 and t2 window each trace
path to directory where files are created
logical, indicating whether long is 8 or 4 bytes.
Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees@unc.edu>
This is the converse of the segy2rseis routine.
Segy format files are in integer format. The time series ususally represents counts recorded in a data acquisition system. The header includes meta-data and other identifying information.
write1segy, write1sac, read1sac, read1segy, sac2rseis, segy2rseis
if (FALSE) { rseis2segy(GH, path="./MYSEGFILES", BIGLONG=FALSE ) }
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