powered by
given a seiries of pulses, do analysis on each one
tung.pulse(r, q, dt)
vector=c(Ex[1], Ex[2], Ey[1], Ey[2], Cx, Cy, ar2, DefInt[1], DefInt[2], sum0) where:
left minimum
right minimum
center (max?)
area of triangle
integral under curve
integral under curve ( bottom triangle removed)
RMS amplitude
deltat, sample interval
Jonathan M. Lees<jonathan.lees.edu>
Calculates, min, max of edges and center, then models the pulse with a triangular pulse and integegrates.
if (FALSE) { data(CE1) ex <- CE1$x[CE1$x>5.453291 &CE1$x< 5.507338] why <- CE1$y[CE1$x>5.453291 &CE1$x< 5.507338] plot(ex, why, type='l') tung.pulse(ex, why, CE1$dt) }
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